AlgimunAnimal Care Algimun®, Olmix Group’s latest algae-based innovation, to be launched at Viv Asia Algimun® reinforces animals’ natural defences to make them more robust, and resistant to daily challenges.After…matteoFebruary 28, 2019
Animal Care Olmix Group to host the 2nd edition of the Olmix satellite seminar The event will take place in Bangkok, Thailand, on the 11th March.Under the slogan 'Recent…matteoFebruary 19, 2019
Resistance to StressPlant Care Biostimulants to boost grape yield and quality In a 3-year trial carried out by Olmix Group, the Var Chamber of Agriculture (France)…matteoFebruary 17, 2019
Animal Care Olmix Group launches its Animal Care range in Egypt The company has released several products for immunity and mycotoxin risk in the country.Attended by…matteoFebruary 12, 2019
ImmunityAnimal Care Reinforcing shrimp natural defences Olmix Group shared the latest results of its algae-based programme for aquaculture at CIAC 2019…matteoFebruary 4, 2019