Olmix Group, Code of Ethics
Ethical and compliant behaviour is a core value of our business. Our clients, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders have to be able to rely on absolute integrity from our part. As such, it is nonnegotiable. All our activities rely on and require ethical and compliant conduct of our leaders, employees and partners in all aspects of our companies’ business.
Our commitment
Olmix1is committed to conducting business in a responsible and ethical way. This charter is an expression of Olmix’s desire to integrate ethical behaviour within an approach of mutual respect both inside and outside the Group and is indispensable to the internal cohesiveness of the Group and to its long-term commitmentto serve wider society.
This Code of Ethics applies to all Olmix Members2 throughout the world. We must all comply with it and ensure that it becomes an integral part of our professional behaviour. The following list is not exhaustive but provides a point of reference for the development of the Group.
Olmix expects its leaders, directors and employees (referred to in this Code as “Olmix Members”) and other persons acting for, or on behalf of, any Olmix Company to:
- follow all legal obligations applicable to the company/country in which they are active;
- behave in accordance with the principles laid out in this Code of Ethics, Olmix Values, Olmix Leadership Code of Conduct
- Group policies.
For any questions relating to the application of this code, each employee may contact their line manager, site manager or the Human Resources Department.
For concerns relating to misconduct at work, breaches of this Code of Ethics or other illegal activities within the Olmix Group, Olmix Members are encouraged to raise concerns in the knowledge that their action will be viewed positively and that they will be protected from victimisation which may result from their reporting of these facts.
Actual or suspected criminal offences, failure to comply with legal obligations, serious health and safety risks, modification or falsification of product test results, damage to the environment, financial and procedural irregularities as well as deliberate suppression or concealment of any of these should be reported.
The Group has set up an “Internal Procedure for collecting and processing whistleblowing reports” Ref GROUPFIN15 for employees of the Group. In addition, any report from external stakeholders can be sent at the following email address: service.legalethics@olmix.com. All requests sent to this address will be analysed and dealt with by the Group Compliance Manager (Legal Director) with all due confidentiality.
These Ethical principles are part of the scope of several international texts of which Olmix shares the principles:
• the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
• the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact
• the core conventions of the International Labor Organization, in particular conventions 29, 105, 138 and 182 (child labor and forced labor), 155 (health and safety of workers), 111 (combating discrimination), 100 (remuneration), 87 and 98 (freedom of association, right to organize and the right to collective bargaining);
• the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child;
• the OECD guidelines intended for multinational companies.