Algimun® and MT.X AA®, both now available in the country.
The Olmix Animal Care division has taken another step forward within the Moroccan feed industry by introducing two new ranges to help producers and farmers deal with some of the main challenges related to animal immunity and mycotoxin risk management.
In a recent launch event hosted in Kenitra (Morocco) along with the Olmix’s local distributor Zootech, the team presented the new products to be available in the market: Algimun® and MT.X AA®.
Launch event.
Launch event.
Strengthened animal defenses for improved performance: Algimun®
From its Immunity range, Olmix has released the Algimun® solution, one of the latest algae-based innovation from the company that relies on a combination of two biologically active macroalgae extracts: MSP®IMMUNITY, that modulates both innate and adaptive immune responses, and MSP®BARRIER, which enhances the barrier function of the digestive epithelium.
Strong points of Algimun®:
- Synergistic association of two biologically active marine algal extracts.
- Strengthening gut integrity and supporting immune function.
- 100% proven mode of action.
- Optimized animal’s performance: high ROI.
- Applicable to all animal species.
Algimun® has proved to be very effective within modern intensive production systems, where animals face several challenges and external stressors throughout their life cycle. The tool helps to keep a proper immune status of animals while contributing to reducing the use of antibiotics. Its application in the feed ensures better animal performances and higher profitability.
Mycotoxin risk management: MT.X AA®
From its Mycotoxin Risk Management range, Olmix has released MT.X AA®, a genuine combination of specific montmorillonite and marine macroalgae that allows both directly adsorb toxins and mitigate their effects on gut health for an optimum efficacy.
Strong points of MT.X AA®:
- Mitigating the effects of a wide range of mycotoxins.
- High adsorption efficacy on small and flexible toxins.
- Protection of gut integrity and immune system.
Mycotoxins are involved in many disorders in animals, mainly immune depression, digestive troubles and reproduction troubles. These effects occur with high contamination but also under chronic exposure to low levels of several mycotoxins. On farm, various effects can be observed such as reduced feed intake, diarrhea, decreased weight gain, necrosis, decreased fertility rates and increased vet costs, among others. MT.X AA® has proved to help reduce this zootechnical impact with success through several on-site trials.
“It is a true honor to introduce our Immunity and Mycotoxin Risk ranges into the Moroccan market, where so far we have been working with our For Vet products. These new tools aim to meet the needs of farmers and producers to tackle diverse challenges derived from a weak animal immunity and the consequences of the presence of mycotoxins, which are two of the most common and risky issues to be found in livestock. With Algimun® and MT.X AA® we are helping our customers to improve both their zootechnical and economical performances.” Ignacio Pérez, Olmix’s Regional Sales Manager.