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Valorize your farm effluents with Z’FIX® slurry

By September 15, 2020January 12th, 2024Environmental Hygiene, Animal Care
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Controlling the fermentations in slurries to benefit from their full potential

Rich in nutritional elements for crops, farm effluents represent a source of difficulties for farmers during the storage period (management of the slurry pits) but also at spreading.

Indeed, slurry is a living environment subjected to permanent fermentation. When they are not properly controlled, these fermentations can have negative consequences for both farmers and animals but also for the soils and crops. Thus, the expected profits can be highly reduced.

Fermenting slurry without control will generate releases of ammonia and harmful gases to animal welfare. Slurry will form a crust on the surface or sediments in the bottom of the pit which might cause emptying and regular spreading problems in the field as well as increasing the farmers working time. Finally, uncontrolled fermentations lead to a strong acidification of the soils which has consequently disruptive effects on their biological activity and limited efficiency in crop yields.

Hence, it is essential to control fermentations within slurry to limit disturbances and optimize its valorization. This the objective of Z’fix® Slurry!

Thanks to its concentrated active ingredient ECO, rich in specific trace elements, Z’fix® Slurry favors the development and the activity of the bacteria (fermentations) useful for the proper evolution of the organic matter.

Preserve the organic matter….

During comparative tests carried out in fattening pig farms, the parameters of organic matter, total nitrogen, organic nitrogen/total nitrogen ratio and C/N ratio were analyzed. The protocols were established on 2 separated fattening rooms from the same farm and animals managed identically over the same period.

Z’fix® Slurry was spread directly on the slatted floors at a dose of 250g/pig in the test room. No slurry treatment product was applied in the control room. Slurry samples were taken at the end of the batch in the 2 pits in order to proceed to analyses.

For the Z’fix® Slurry group, the results showed that the organic matter was preserved, progressing from 1.3 to 3.7%. Consequently, the total nitrogen increased from 3.6 units/m3 for the Control batch to 5.4 units/m3 for the pit treated with Z’fix® Slurry.

On the other hand, the percentage of organic nitrogen/total nitrogen increased from 22% to 42%. The C/N ratio is therefore improved, progressing from 3 to 4, or more than 25%. These results demonstrate a change of nitrogen flows in the slurry and its reorganization into a more organic and less volatile form, which is beneficial at three levels.

…For a better slurry valorization on crops

With Zfix® Slurry, losses of nitrogen are limited, thus the entire organic nitrogen will be valorized on the crops. Furthermore, under this form, the risks of leaching are also limited.

…To reduce odors and improve the atmosphere

Ammonia, as well as methane and hydrogen sulfide gases are irritant for the respiratory tracts of the animals. They also cause disturbances during the storage-mixing-spreading phases. Almost 50% of nitrogen losses in the form of ammonia occur in livestock buildings and during storage.

Z’fix® Slurry allows the microbial biomass to reorganize a bigger part of the ammoniacal nitrogen into organic form. Ammonia emissions are reduced by up to -30% during storage and spreading.

…To facilitate the handlings

Many testimonies confirm also the efficiency of Z’fix® Slurry regarding the slurry homogeneity, the crust reduction and thus flies, the diminution of sedimentations and the mixing and pumping time.

Thanks to the new practical and efficient Z’fix® Slurry solution, farmers take control of their slurry evolution. This one then becomes a fertilizer with a very high added value, rich in organic matter and natural fertilizing elements to ensure better nutrition for crops. By improving biological, physical and agronomic qualities of slurries, Z’Fix® Slurry is the essential tool for the management of slurry pits, improving the environment and enhancing the value of the farm effluents.

Other advantages of Z’fix® Slurry:

Z’Fix® Slurry is a concentrated formula specific to slurry management. It’s a dust-free microgranular product, very easy to apply on slatted floors or directly in pits. Thanks to its natural composition, Z’Fix® Slurry can be used in organic farming and used in the presence of the animals. It thus complements Olmix’s “environmental hygiene” range for a sustainable improvement of the environment in buildings and the animal welfare. Z’Fix® Slurry is compatible with the use of the desiccant product Mistral® for better hygiene of the sows’ and piglets’ environment.

Strong points :

For the animals: enhances buildings atmosphere and animal welfare: less nitrogen losses via ammonia emissions.

For the farmers: reduces the formation of crusts and sedimentation for a better homogeneity and fluidity of the slurry. Mixing time is therefore shorter and bad odors significantly reduced.

For the crops:

  • Improves the agronomic value when spreading and the expression of crop potential by a better plant nutrition in NPK elements.
  • Limits the acidifying effect of slurries on the soil, post-spreading.
  • A concentrated formula specific for slurries management, in microgranular form, easy to use, usable in organic farming.